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Get more from your catalogue sales
with real TikToks

Native-looking TikTok ads for every product in your catalog
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• TikTok is a special place

Common video ads don't work on TikTok

TikTok is a special place, where ads from other platforms don't work. As TikTok says:
—  reality check

Automated videos don't look like real TikToks

There are two ways to create video ads for DSA. Sadly, both look like a common ad.
  • Dynamic Video Generator from TikTok (free)
  • Third-party automated video generators (paid)
—  Kantar Ad Performance Study

Audiences expect fun and entertaining ads on TikTok

feel that advertising on TikTok is unique from top social and video platforms.
agreed that ads on TikTok capture their attention (vs. 10% on other platforms)
of users find TikTok ad inspiring
feel that the “advertising” on TikTok blends in with the content.
—  reality check

But how to make TikToks at scale?

Introducing Motion Tailor magic:

Dynamic Template Technology

The core of the technology is the ability to change anything in the video. This is how native-looking TikTok variations are being created.

Let's compare results

Traditional automated ad
Motion Tailor’s TikTok
Looks like an ad
Overlaying product
Boring animations
Generic design
IPhone mock
IPhone mock
Looks like a real TikTok video
Story is built around the product
Uses all eye-catching trends,
effects, transitions
Your branding
Product Catalogue meets Dynamic Template

Where does the Dynamic Template come from?

Day and night our creative lab analyses creative trends in different targets, verticals and markets.
We study your target audience and pick the best performing trend in your category.
Vetted TikTokers make videos and Motion Tailor’s designers finalise the Template adding the magic of design and editing.


This is some text inside of a div block.


This is some text inside of a div block.


This is some text inside of a div block.
Launching always-on DSA campaign in two weeks
Launch your always-on retargeting campaign in two weeks

Reserve your spot today

Schedule a 20-minute call to find out how to get automated TikToks for Dynamic Showcase Ads. During the call we will show you the platform and the use cases which are most relevant to you.
Get 1:1 product tour
Edison Solutions GmbH, Friedrichstr. 68, 10117 Berlin
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